The Mind as a Servant and Not the Master
When you do not know how to manage your Servant then you become servitude to your Servant. The roles are reversed and you are now the servant. This is so true about your Mind. The Mind was created to Serve us. It is an Entity like an Organ to fulfill many functions which are all for our benefit as Human Beings. However, as we all experience, our ignorance about the Mind has allowed it to run its own course and now we are slaves, servants, followers and even victims of our Mind.
Think about it for a moment. Our mind dictates how we feel or what we think. We like to think we can control our mind but have a rude awakening every time we succumb to a bad habit or every time we curse ourselves for having lost our temper or saying the wrong words to create more problems for ourselves. We have all been in that situation.
The ignorant ones amongst us (and if I may say, quite a few of us) don’t even realize the grip the mind has on our well-being and happiness. if I may use an analogy, its like we own a car and think we know and control our car, we are the Master the Driver - yet unknown to us our Car is the one who is controlling us and the Master; taking us to where it wants to take us and we have no control to change our destination or destiny.
So if you are unhappy. If you suffer from heart break or even depression, don’t blame your Ex or the weather. Its all about your Mind. You know and you tell yourself that he is not worth it. It was a toxic relationship. Your friends affirm it and instruct you to forget him, move on. You agree. Yet! Yet! You are stuck on him and seemingly your life is destroyed and you will never get back to normal. Think about it for a moment. If he was so toxic and logic tells you its the best thing that can happen to you. Then, why are you so distraught.
That is because a part of your mind says the logical thing YET another part of your Mind which has a stronger control or influence dictates otherwise. Welcome to the Mind and welcome to the Servant who has now become YOUR MASTER !
In subsequent Blogs we will share how to Master the Mind and make it truly our Instrument to do our bidding and not the other way around. This is the journey of life, the journey of Self-awareness and Enlightenment.