Coach Dr. M

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Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind

The human mind is often divided into three distinct parts—the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the superconscious mind. Despite the fact that these are distinct parts of the mind, they are all interconnected and influence each other in complex ways.

The conscious mind is responsible for logic, reason, and problem solving. It is the part of our mind that is connected to everyday life and responsible for keeping track of our daily routines. It is the part of our mind that is aware of oneself and the world around us, and it is at work whenever we are conscious.

The subconscious mind is the most complex and mysterious part of the mind. It is responsible for non-verbal communication, intuition, the processing of emotions, and our overall well-being. It is the part of us that is unconscious and runs our non-logical responses and decisions.

The superconscious mind is the part of our mind with access to all memories, knowledge, and wisdom. It can offer insight and creativity, and when we listen to it and use it, it can be a great influence in developing a better understanding of our external world and our internal self.

Each of these parts of our mind can be used to our benefit - the conscious mind to make informed decisions, the subconscious to access our emotions, and the superconscious to access higher wisdom. Understanding how these parts of our minds interact with each other can lead us to greater fulfillment and understanding